Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Time in and Time out

So I haven't written in a while, I have been so caught up in me I can hardly find the time to tell all my business to ya'll; you 4 faithful readers, ya'll are faithful right??  Well I am working at a job that I really like, I mean it is work, but at least I am working with a nice set of people. Which makes all the difference, working with adults is way better than working with children who just play too much. My daughter is 2, and all mouth; any surprise I think not!! She is my joy IDK what i'd be doing without her. My living situation is HORRIBLE, but we only have 8 month left; I may leave at the beginning of the year because there are far too many issues, like someone else's child getting raped in our home, I know, who leaves there out of control teenager @ home alone, all the time?? My dumb ass roomate, well she may not be a dumb ass, but she is definitely lazy.  Moving on, my move is quickly approaching, and I am trying to focus on that to keep from crying. I met a man who reminds me so much of me its crazy.. I want to love him.

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